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ReAnimus Press
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So, I've finished a new novel, hurrah!

TERMINATION OF SPECIES is science fiction, set some years in the future. Anti-technology terrorists wreak unrelenting destruction when they get their hands on powerful military cyberattack AI software, forcing a life altering decision in hopes of saving the very existence of humanity. Against this backdrop, Weston Foard must juggle a championship chess match while falling in love with Jasmina Simonis, the soulmate who would upend his life; Chris Giordano is writing a book about the best people on Earth while being stalked by a terrorist; and software genius Martin Sandoval is recruited to work with a mysterious woman to disarm the terrorists' software while trying to prevent his prosthetic arm from going amok. It's about the future of humanity, AIs, biotech, immortality, the perils of technology, a bit of chess, a bit of humor, a bit of romance, a bit of philosophy on how society would deal with immortality and much more. Fairly timely with the rise of ChatGPT, Bard, and so on.

It's available in ebook, paperback, & hardcover. You can get it from all the usual places, like...

I'm happy to sell signed copies—just contact me.

Enjoy! Reviews most appreciated! Please tell all your friends! :)

Some nice things people have said about it...

"In Termination of Species, Andrew Burt puts so many pieces into play—ideas and warnings and opportunities that may lie just ahead—that 'The Future' will never be the same."
—David Brin.

"A very intriguing, multiway view on the future of AI. It's not just the humans who have something to worry about."
—Vernor Vinge